Friday, May 22, 2009

And the hare is... "jugged," you say?

So, another day in London. Second day! Not much to report, and no pictures this time, but here you go.

Woke up at the bright, early hour of 8:30 a.m. because we had to go to a class and res life orientation session for FIE, the program that runs my study abroad (along with UF.) Had a mix-up with my class schedule (the thought I was taking THREE classes at the study center, not two, which, with my UF online classes, would have been a bit... horrible.) But I sorted it out.

Afterward, a few people from the program and I went to the Imperial College student union (we have temporary student ID cards there for the summer). Had lunch (pizza and chips) for less than £4! What a deal.

The other people were supposed to have internship orientation this afternoon, an as I decided not to do an internship I did not have to attend this meeting. So I did not do anything exciting and instead watched lectures for my online class (which I am STILL behind on... nice.) and take an online Marketing quiz, etc.

At 7, my roommates and I met a huge UF group downstairs, and we all took the Tube to Victoria, where we ate at this pub called "The Jugged Hare." What "jugged" means, I have no idea, but I assume it's... good? I don't know.

Anyway, I ate some (extremely British) watercress and spring onion soup, which was weird but kinda good. I had soup for dinner last night two; it's the cheapest thing at most of the pubs and cafés, and it's just the right size for a meal and so I don't have to carry any of it home.

The girls at my table ordered two bottles of wine to share; I did not partake, but it smelled nice. As we were leaving the pub, one of the waiters told the group that good late-night bars to go to were in Covent Gardens, so once we all got to the Tube stop 18 of the 22 people in the group got on a train to go to the bars, and the other four of us hopped on and went back to the dorm.

So now I'm blogging, going to study a bit, and I'm eating a delicious Cadbury Twirl, which is basically chocolate stuffed in chocolate. Mmmmm England tastes delicious.

I'm glad I decided to come back (and that there were people with me!) because we have a bus tour of London at 10 a.m. tomorrow(!!) and then a walking tour of the city at 2 p.m. I'm very, very stoked about that, so it should yield a much more interesting entry than this one (with pictures!)

Also, Monday I go to Stonehenge!!!!!

Miss you, United States of Awesomerica.



P.S. Interesting tidbit: Now that I'm on U.K. internet, when I search Google in my browser toolbar, comes up automatically. Like when I search Amazon, is the first entry! What a novelty. [/nerd]

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