Friday, July 17, 2009

Things I do NOT love about London

London is wonderful. Yes, I know it, and I will readily admit it. But there are some things I simply don't like about living across the pond. Here are the main ones:
  • Almost no crosswalks
  • Everything is so small. It's tough for a giantess such as myself.
  • They haven't invented air conditioning yet.
  • Exchange rate killing me? Um, yes.
  • The assumption by some (NOT all) that all Americans are boorish, loud, obese McDonald's-chomping xenophobes. (And the apparant surprise when you aren't. Though the loud thing is true.)
  • The lowered drinking age makes people get carried away/annoying/broken bones. (At least, that's true for the people I know.)
  • Noise outside my window early in the morning. Why are you jackhammering at 6:30 a.m.? Shouldn't you be sleeping?
  • Celsius? So that means it's... what temperature? Do I need a jacket?
  • The tourists are starting to get on my nerves. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a tourist, too, but seriously, people, crowding your entire 12-member family and all our luggage around the Tube entrance is just dumb. I am trying to walk, here.
  • Being 5-6 hours ahead of everyone I want to talk to is very hard.
But in spite of all these things it really is a great place to be; I'm really happy that I came, and I'm happy to be here, and I'll be happy when I come back some day.


1 comment:

  1. #2 At least they use all the space they have. Thier roads are half the size of American roads and they still drive well.
    #3 When it gets as cold as it does overther, it is no suprise they refraine from investing in AC
    #4 USA's fault
    #5 Most American are
    #6 See above.
    #7 I agree, that is retarded
    #8 Double it and then add 32,it is a fast conversion from C to F
    #9 akf;salfdsk I agree
    #10 dafadflasj I agree

    I had to come to the rescue of my birthland!

    -Amar :)
