Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things I miss about America

Being away from home is hard. There are certain things you get used to that you don't notice until they're gone. Some of these things don't fall into that category (duh, I remember that I have parents.) but others I didn't realize I loved until I was an ocean apart. Here are the obvious, and not-so-obvious things I miss about the U.S. of A. (in no particular order):
  • My lovely, wonderful, brilliant friends: who are also hilarious, superb, and magical.
  • Target and Wal-mart: for when you need to buy shampoo, a cake pan, a basketball, and get photos printed, all in one trip.
  • Driving my car
  • Iced tea: against the Brits' religion.
  • CiCi's Pizza: today I was thinking, "I want pizza. But not, like, a big slice of really awesome pizza, just a million slices of adequate pizza. And cinnamon rolls."
  • My dorky, yet dashing boyfriend: He is like Indiana Jones meets Ken Jennings meets an adorable koala
  • You get 4x the food for the same price: whatup, giant portion sizes!!
  • Flip flops: my feet are dying from the confinement
  • More sunshine: not that the cool weather isn't nice, but I think I am getting seasonal affective disorder.
  • Fast internet: Yesterday I tried about 20 times to upload photos before giving up in anger and sadness.
  • Milkshakes: sure, they have them here, but it's just not the same...
  • The beach: You just can't beat Florida beaches.
  • My mom and dad (and brother, too, I guess...): The longer I'm away, the happier I am when I come home. That's true for college, and it's definitely true for this summer.

P.S. I think it is pretty telling about my priorities when you consider how many items on this list are food-related.

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